Full Time Care
At Hollybank we provide 24 hour residential care for older people with Dementia. Our staff are comitted to the delivery of person centred care and work hard to ensure that each individuals needs are met. We do not provide nursing care, but the manager and all senior care staff in charge are trained in the administration of medication and we are fully supported by the District Nurse team who are regular visitors to Hollybank.
Day Care
We have limited availablity for the provision of Daycare. Daycare clients are integrated into the home and spend their day's with us enjoying the interraction with our permanent residents and the staff, they are encouraged to participate in activies throughout the day. Normal daycare hours are 9 - 4, however, we can accomodate longer periods with prior arrangment.
Our daycare clients can expect transport to and from Hollybank, breakfast, lunch, and tea if required, bath or shower upon request.
At Hollybank we do not provide a pre-bookable room but will accomodate respite when a vacancy arises. We work closely with the local authority social services and community Psychiatric Team who are always aware of our availalability at any one time.
Trial Periods
We believe that it is important to have a trial period for anyone who wishes to come and stay with us. It is not easy settling into a strange environment with other people you don't know, this period affords each resident, their family / friends,and Hollybank the opportunity to ensure that we are the right environment and that we can fully meet that persons needs. It is a difficult decision to place a loved one / friend in someone elses care, so we feel that knowing the initial stay is a trial eases the transition somewhat. The recommended trial period is for one month, this enables everyone to get to know each other and see how the home functions on a daily basis.